免费影院网为您提供从网上收集的最新爱情 宣告的影视作品在线免费观看资源,这部影视大全由:Fred,Dalton,Thompson,Dan,John,Miller,Khori,Faison等人参演,Tom,Hines精心制作的宣告,英文名叫xuangao,将于2010在美国上映,是主要简述Alleged is a romantic drama based on events occurring behind the scenes and outside the courtroom of the famous Scopes "Monkey Trial" of 1925. Charles Anderson, a talented young reporter, feels trapped working for his deceased father’s weekly newspaper and living in a tiny town (Dayton, TN) in steep decline. Seeing the "Monkey Trial" as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to break... 在本站还有更多的免费影视资源提供在线观看,如果“宣告”有最新的播放资源,免费影院会第一时间更新,还有更多关于宣告的相关信息,【请记住我们的网址:www.mfyy123.com】,如果您喜欢我们的网站,也请推荐给好友。